22 August, 2006

transversal on critique

critique | kritik | crítica

To the extent that it does not withdraw to the balconies of academic theory or the bunkers of art criticism, critique is not simply a practice of judging. The meanings of critique, developed over the course of centuries, as a faculty of distinction, a critical attitude, or as a practical critical activity are assuming new forms today: as atopical critique, embodied critique, affirmative critique, criticality. The texts of the current transversal issue seek to update this kind of constant renewal of critique on the basis of shifted or newly invented concepts and exemplary experiences.


Judith Butler: What is Critique? An Essay on Foucault's Virtue
Alex Demirovic: On the Re-Formation of Critical Knowledge
Marina Garcés: To Embody Critique
Hakan Gürses: On the Topography of Critique
Irit Rogoff: From Criticism to Critique to Criticality / 'Smuggling' - An Embodied Criticality
Loïc Wacquant: Critical Thought as Solvent of Doxa

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