15 March, 2008

Lyrebyrd Miniature Print Exchange #4 - Miniprint 2006

Lyrebyrd Miniature Print Exchange #4
Curator: J. Severn

The fourth print australia miniature print exchange is here...

The Print Australia exchang schedule has changed and developed over the years as experience and the list have grown. The first exchange was started in late 1999 and the list was founded in Jan 2000 to facilitate its administration. By 2002 we had several exchanges completed and in 2002 I introduced a miniature print exchange into the PA annual schedule.

The idea was that we needed a simple non-threatening and fun exchange for new and old members to share ideas and get to know one another. I did a lot of research and following on from my experience in designing and introducing a similar exchange on another list, came up with the design for the miniature print exchange.

By making the exchange a direct post between members i wanted to reintroduce the excitement of finding something nice in the letterbox, like xmas cards but without the theology. The earlier exchange had a theme of chinese astrology, I set the print australia miniture print exchange at solstice to give it a non-demoninational ie astonomical due date. It was originally intended to run at june so as not to compete with christmas. This due date was then taken up as the theme and the first exchange was run as a "solstice" exchange. I changed the later exchanges to be open in theme as this was in keeping with the 'experimental' format.

By making the size small, the prints are similar to 'samples' of print techniques, or of an individual's work. The other Print Australia exchanges are more formal in requirements, the miniprint is meant to be completely open to give members freedom to experiment. Eg. we had one print that arrived screenprinted on wetsuit fabric. The prints are miniature prints that are postcard sized at 4 x 6 inches, this is not an exchange of 'postcards'.

It is designed to be an icebreaker. The prints have to be accompanied by a colophon and the requirement is that the technique be discussed onlist. Both the colophon and onlist discussion are normal features of PA exchanges . The colophon is a requirement for inclusion in the PA archives at wagga wagga regional art gallery and the discussion is to build the sense of community.

the exchange has been very successful and fulfilled its designed role well.

J. Severn


Due Date: midsummer/midwinter's day - June 22nd
Exchange Size: maximum 30 participants, 3 archive prints, total 33 prints
Size: 4 x 6 ins or 10 x 15cms in envelope
Colophon: print is to be accompanied by explanatory text and colophon
Subject: open
Media: any print media editioned

Directions: To be mailed directly to participants in envelope. Each participant will receive a list of names and addresses.

Requirements: All particpants must complete the exchange or return prints received. Participants must be members of the lyrebyrd mailing list and take an active part in the administration and discussion of the exchange.


judy barrass - (qld)
jim brodie - (qld)
ray carter - (vic)
theresa darmody - (nsw)
tanya gold - (nsw)
john ingleton - (tas)
george jarvis - (japan)
duane johnson - (usa)
raylene johnstone - (nsw)
julianna joos - (canada)
rosanna jurisevic - (nsw)
julianne kershaw - (qld)
linden langdon - (tas)
mellissa read-devine - (nsw)
mark rowden - (nsw)
j. severn - (amsterdam)
sylvia taylor - (ireland/usa)
luc van quickenborne - (belgium)

Images on Lyrebyrd (members only)


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